吴天添,19岁,美国曼哈顿音乐学院大二学生,师从Inesa Sinkevych教授学习。2014年9月考入四川音乐学院附中钢琴专业,师从杜静教授学习。2015年2月赴美国纽约进入曼哈顿音乐学院钢琴系大学预科,师从Inesa Sinkevych教授和茱莉亚学院钢琴系Ernest Barretta、Helen Huang教授学习钢琴,学习成绩优异。曾获得曼哈顿音乐学院钢琴协奏曲大赛第二名和美国纽约州钢琴学校比赛第一名的好成绩。2022-2023学年交换至英国皇家音乐学院学习。
Tiantian Wu resume
Tiantian Wu, a 19-year-old sophomore student at the Manhattan school of music, studied under Professor Inesa Sinkevych. In September 2014, she was admitted to the piano major of the Sichuan Conservatory of music and studied under Professor Jing Du. In February 2015, she went to New York and seeped the university precollege pregame the Piano Department of Manhattan2. She studied piano under Professor inesa sinkevych and Professor Ernest Barretta and Helen Huang of the Piano Department of Julia college, with excellent academic results. She has won the second place in the piano concerto competition of Manhattan Conservatory of music and the first place in the piano school competition of New York state. In the academic year 2022-2023, she will be transferred to the Royal Conservatory of music.
Wu Tiantian first in concerts at the age of 9, and held solo recital in Sichuan Conservatory of music for many times. She has performed with the Symphony Orchestra of Sichuan Conservatory of music, Sichuan Philharmonic Orchestra and Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra for many times.
In December 2018, at the age of 16, she cooperated with Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra in Pengzhou City to perform "Saint sang / G minor Piano Concerto No.2 Op.22",Conductor: Fu Renchang.
In January 2019, at the age of 16, she played Mozart's Piano Concerto KV467 in C major with the Austrian Vienna Festival Symphony Orchestra touring in China at Southwest Jiaotong University. The conductor was Gerald Mike.
In June 2021, at the age of 18, she held the third solo concert in Sichuan Conservatory of music. She played Beethoven's Third Piano Concerto with the Symphony Orchestra of Sichuan Conservatory of music. The conductor was Zhu Qiyuan.
In August 2021, she again performed "Rhapsody in blue" composed by Gershwin with Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra in Xiamen. The conductor: Fu Renchang.
In September 2022, at the age of 19, she played the Piano Concerto "Yellow River" with Sichuan Philharmonic Orchestra, and held the fourth solo concert in Chengdu City Concert Hall.
2022-08-10 09:27:23苏炳添世界排名第几【苏炳添是苏轼后代,苏炳添会是最后一个知道的吗?】原来苏炳添是苏轼后代,原来优秀也是一脉相承的,苏轼是文学大家,苏炳添是运动健将,苏家的基因真的很牛!随后有网友回复:这事
2022-08-10 08:59:29苏炳添是苏轼后代根据苏氏宗祠对名人的介绍记录,苏炳添是一代文豪苏轼的二十九代孙,还是抗金名将苏刘义的二十一代孙。
2022-08-10 09:49:50苏炳添苏轼第几代吴希泽,1996年10月19日出生于广东省深圳市,中国内地男演员。2017年,与王鹤棣、官鸿和梁靖康组成F4主演青春偶像剧《流星花园》从而进入演艺圈。
2022-03-15 14:08:41吴希泽个人资料从他被抓到现在已经将近10个月了。回顾整个事件,跌宕起伏,一波三折。上一次关于的官方消息是在2011年8月16日,北京市检察院发布公告称范因涉嫌强奸罪已被检察机关批准逮捕。
2022-06-13 13:19:47吴亦凡事件的来龙去脉