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景甜亮相《长城》纽约发布会 全程流利英文受好评(2)

2016-10-11 13:51:23  红网娱乐    参与评论()人


Host: It must have been so fun to play such a badass army commander character. What was it like for you?


Jing Tian: It was amazing! This character is an incredibly powerful female character. And she is very strong, brave and determined. As a leader of the army, she shows a lot of wisdom and courage. One of the things that I love the most of all the stories is the equality between men and women in leadership roles, the respect that all of these warriors have for one another regardless of gender, it's something that I wish we could see more in film and in real life for that matter. And also historically society and the army has been dominated by men, it's very unique to have a female general. So audiences will see this character brings a lot of girl power to the movie. Yes, she is such a kickass role. So I got to do so many awesome stunts as well. It was pretty cool.



Q: What's the stunt that you remember to be particularly challenging, that people can look forward to?


A: I think there are a lot of things people can look forward to. For me the most important thing is that I was able to work with Matt together. I'm a huge fan of yours.



Q: So I assume this is your first Comic Com experience?


A: Yes, it is, my first time.


Q: What's it been like for your so far?


A: I am so excited to be here, and also this is my first time in New York City and I look forward to see a lot of amazing things.


Q: So we just saw the new trailer for The Great Wall. It looks amazing. Tell me a little bit about the character you play in it.


A: I play a character named Lin Mae, she is the general of this army which is called The Nameless Order, and she is a such a strong, brave and determined (character). And one of the things that I love the most about the story is the equality between men and women in leadership roles. I think the respect that all of these warriors have for one another regardless of gender, it's something that I wish we could see more in film and in real life for that matter. So audiences will see this character brings a lot of girl power to the movie.
